Theme: Mobile Templates

Tendenci detects mobile browsers and allows you to use that information within your templates. Tendenci will assign a cookie to these visitors. This cookie can be toggled using code below to allow visitors to switch between the mobile and standard versions of a theme.

Mobile Template Folder

A typical Tendenci theme includes a media and a templates folder. You can add a mobile folder at the root of the theme. If a device is detected to be mobile, Tendenci will first look for the relevant template file in the mobile folder, then it will move on to the templates folder, then to the core software. This allows you to build a mobile template and customize other templates specifically for mobile devices.

A very basic theme with mobile and standard layouts could look like this:

  • media

    • css

    • js

    • img

  • mobile

    • default.html

    • homepage.html

  • templates

    • default.html

    • homepage.html

    • footer.html

Mobile Toggling

When setting up your mobile layout, you can select to show the mobile content using the code below (a mobile stylesheet is included in the example)

{% if %}
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/styles-mobile.css' %}" type="text/css" />
{% endif %}

That same code can be used to include a separate layout, separate navigation, or anything else that you may want to display to mobile viewers but not to desktop browsers. It is not necessary to use these if tags in templates in the mobile folder.

To take advantage of the cookie opt-out for mobile viewers who want to view the full site, first load the mobile tags at the top of the template:

{% load mobile_tags %}

To show the link to mobile theme viewers to view full site

{% if %}
   {% toggle_mobile_link request.get_full_path "View full site" %}
{% endif %}

To show the view mobile site link to mobile browser viewers who previously opted out

{% if request.mobile_browser and not %}
   {% toggle_mobile_link request.get_full_path "View mobile site" %}
{% endif %}

The placement of these links, as well as the text of the link is customizable.

Mobile Browsers Supported

The following mobile browsers are supported:

  • iPhone

  • iPod

  • Android

  • Opera Mini

  • Blackberry

  • Droid

  • IEMobile

  • EudoraWeb

  • Fennec

  • Minimo

  • NetFront

  • Polaris

  • HTC_Dream

  • HTC Hero

  • HTC-ST7377

  • Kindle

  • LG-LX550

  • LX265

  • Nokia

  • Palm

  • MOT-V9mm

  • SEC-SGHE900


  • SymbianOS

  • DoCoMo

  • ZuneHD

  • ReqwirelessWeb

  • SEJ001

  • SonyEricsson