Two-Factor Authentication ========================= With two-factor authentication, it adds an extra layer of protection to your user accounts. The two-factor authentication in Tendenci is based on `Django Two-Factor Authentication `_ . To enable the two-factor authentication, set `USE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH = True` in your `conf/`. There are 3 options available - 1) Token based (which can be used with Google authenticator or other authenticator OTP). 2) Email. 3) SMS. The first two options are enabled by default. If you want to have the SMS capability, you'll need to sign up `Twilio's SMS service `_. Once you have your Twilio's credentials, follow these two steps below. 1) Add these settings to your `conf/ :: INSTALLED_APPS += ('two_factor.plugins.phonenumber', ) TWO_FACTOR_SMS_GATEWAY = 'two_factor.gateways.twilio.gateway.Twilio' PHONENUMBER_DEFAULT_REGION = 'US' TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = 'your-TWILIO-ACCOUNT-SID' TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = 'your-TWILIO-AUTH-TOKEN' TWILIO_CALLER_ID = 'your-TWILIO-caller-ID' 2) AT the top of your `conf/`, add `from two_factor.gateways.twilio.urls import urlpatterns as tf_twilio_urls`, and include `path('', include(tf_twilio_urls)),` to the `urlpatterns`. Once the two-factor authentication is enabled on your site, users will be able to set it up from their accounts. .. image:: img/two_factor_link.png