Upgrade 7.X to 11.0

Among many other changes, Tendenci 11.0 adds support for Python 3, and allows for the use of a simplified configuration which should reduce the number of configuration changes that will be required during future upgrades.

Step 1: Prepare for Upgrade

Back up your site and database!

Make sure the required system dependencies are installed:

sudo apt-get install \
  build-essential python3-dev libevent-dev libpq-dev \
  libjpeg8 libjpeg-dev libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev
sudo apt-get install curl wget

If this is a live site using memcached, also make sure libmemcached-dev is installed:

sudo apt-get install libmemcached-dev

Shut down mysite:

sudo service mysite stop

Step 2: Upgrade to Python 3

Upgrading to Python 3.6 or newer is required. This involves rebuilding your virtualenv.

Move your old virtualenv out of the way:

sudo mv /srv/mysite /srv/mysite.t7

Prepare a new Python 3 virtualenv:

sudo apt-get install python3-virtualenv
sudo chown "$(id -u -n)" /srv/
cd /srv/
python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 mysite
sudo chown root /srv/
source /srv/mysite/bin/activate
pip install "Django>=1.11,<2.0"

In this new virtualenv, /srv/mysite/venv/bin/ has been moved to /srv/mysite/bin/.

Update your systemd Units, Upstart jobs, cron jobs, and any other scripts which reference /srv/mysite/venv/bin/ to use /srv/mysite/bin/ instead.

If you have already upgraded to Tendenci 11.0 on Python 2 and are upgrading to Python 3 as a separate process, run the following, then skip to Step 7 (Steps 7 and 8 should be followed after both the Tendenci and Python upgrades):

cd /var/www/mysite/
source /srv/mysite/bin/activate
# For development installations:
pip install --no-binary psycopg2 -r requirements/dev.txt --upgrade
# For live sites:
pip install --no-binary psycopg2 -r requirements/prod.txt --upgrade

Step 3: Upgrade Tendenci

Make a backup of /var/www/mysite/:

cd /var/www/
cp -a mysite mysite.t7

Upgrade files in /var/www/mysite/:

sudo chown -Rh "$(id -u -n)":www-data /var/www/mysite/
cd /var/www/mysite/
rm manage.py deploy.py README.md requirements.txt
rm conf/wsgi.py requirements/tendenci.txt requirements/prod.txt
rm -rf index.whoosh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tendenci/tendenci-project-template/master/manage.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tendenci/tendenci-project-template/master/README.md
cd conf/
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tendenci/tendenci-project-template/master/conf/wsgi.py
cd ../requirements/
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tendenci/tendenci-project-template/master/requirements/tendenci.txt
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tendenci/tendenci-project-template/master/requirements/prod.txt
cd ..
mkdir whoosh_index
chgrp www-data whoosh_index
chmod g+w whoosh_index

Upgrade Tendenci and its dependencies:

cd /var/www/mysite/
sudo chown -Rh "$(id -u -n)": /srv/mysite/
source /srv/mysite/venv/bin/activate  # For Python 2
source /srv/mysite/bin/activate  # For Python 3
# For development installations:
pip install --no-binary psycopg2 -r requirements/dev.txt --upgrade
# For live sites:
pip install --no-binary psycopg2 -r requirements/prod.txt --upgrade

Step 4: Upgrade Configuration

Tendenci 11.0 allows for the use of a simplified configuration which should reduce the number of configuration changes that will be required during future upgrades. Upgrading to this new configuration is recommended but optional.

To switch to the new configuration, continue with Step 4a. To continue using your existing configuration, skip to Step 4b.

Step 4a: Upgrade to New Configuration

The old configuration files came pre-configured with a number of standard settings (for example, they included standard INSTALLED_APPS, urlpatterns, CACHES, a number of *_PATH settings, etc). Tendenci now configures all of those standard settings by default, so the new settings.py and urls.py files only need to contain site-specific changes to the default configuration. Removing the old standard settings from your configuration will simplify your configuration, make your site specific changes easier to identify, understand, and track, and eliminate any need to update the standard settings during future Tendenci upgrades.

Make sure you have a backup copy of your old configuration. If you followed Step 3, there should be a copy in /var/www/tendenci.t7/conf/

Remove the old configuration and replace it with new configuration files:

cd /var/www/mysite/conf/
rm *
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tendenci/tendenci-project-template/master/conf/__init__.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tendenci/tendenci-project-template/master/conf/wsgi.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tendenci/tendenci-project-template/master/conf/settings.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tendenci/tendenci-project-template/master/conf/urls.py

Copy any site specific settings from /var/www/tendenci.t7/conf/local_settings.py to /var/www/tendenci/conf/settings.py. The new settings.py includes comments which explain how/where to configure most of the settings you are likely to need to change. Avoid copying any standard/default settings. However, be sure to copy:



  • The settings in DATABASES


  • Payment Gateway Settings

  • EMail Settings

Note that the length recommendations for SECRET_KEY and SITE_SETTINGS_KEY have changed. Old keys will continue to work, but you should consider changing your keys to meet the new guidelines. If you change SECRET_KEY, then all currently logged in users will be logged out, and all active password reset tokens will be invalidated. If you change SITE_SETTINGS_KEY, then all settings on the “Site Settings” and “Full Settings” pages in Tendenci will be reset. Since SECRET_KEY is a critical component of the Django security model, and since changing SECRET_KEY is relatively non-disruptive, we strongly recommend changing SECRET_KEY to a new value that meets the new recommendations. However, since changing SITE_SETTINGS_KEY is relatively disruptive, and since it is a less critical component of the security model, we recommend that you do not change your SITE_SETTINGS_KEY at this time.

If you have made site specific changes to INSTALLED_APPS, Tendenci now adds the following apps to INSTALLED_APPS by default, so your INSTALLED_APPS += [...] setting no longer needs to include them:

  • django.contrib.gis

  • tendenci.apps.committees

  • tendenci.apps.case_studies

  • tendenci.apps.donations

  • tendenci.apps.speakers

  • tendenci.apps.staff

  • tendenci.apps.studygroups

  • tendenci.apps.videos

  • tendenci.apps.testimonials

  • tendenci.apps.social_services

  • tendenci.apps.explorer_extensions

  • explorer

If you wish to remove the above apps from the default INSTALLED_APPS, instructions can be found in the “Custom Application Settings” section of the new settings.py.

Next, review the comments and examples in settings.py to determine if there are any new settings that should be configured for your site. In particular, ALLOWED_HOSTS and the settings under “HTTPS and Session Settings” should be configured appropriately even if you have not previously configured them. Also note that Tendenci now enables logging by default. Review the “Logging Settings” section of the new settings.py to determine whether you need to make any site specific changes to the default logging configuration.

Copy any site specific URL patterns from /var/www/tendenci.t7/conf/local_urls.py to /var/www/mysite/conf/urls.py. Note that URL pattern in the new file must be wrapped with a url() function call.

As with INSTALLED_APPS above, Tendenci now includes URL patterns for the following apps by default, so your configuration no longer need to include them:

  • explorer.urls

  • tendenci.apps.explorer_extensions.urls

  • tendenci.apps.committees.urls

  • tendenci.apps.case_studies.urls

  • tendenci.apps.donations.urls

  • tendenci.apps.speakers.urls

  • tendenci.apps.staff.urls

  • tendenci.apps.studygroups.urls

  • tendenci.apps.videos.urls

  • tendenci.apps.testimonials.urls

  • tendenci.apps.social_services.urls

If you wish to remove the URL patterns for the above apps from the default configuration, instructions can be found in the new urls.py file.

If you made any changes to the new urls.py file, be sure to uncomment ROOT_URLCONF = 'conf.urls' in the new settings.py file.

If you are using NGINX, edit /etc/nginx/sites-available/tendenci and change location ~ /themes/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)/media/ { to location ~ /themes/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)/(media|static)/ {

Skip to Step 5 to continue.

Step 4B: Update Existing Configuration

If you are using NGINX, edit /etc/nginx/sites-available/tendenci and change location ~ /themes/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)/media/ { to location ~ /themes/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)/(media|static)/ {

Edit /var/www/tendenci/conf/local_settings.py.

At the top of the file, you should see the following lines:

def get_setting(setting):
    import settings
    return getattr(settings, setting)

Replace those lines with:

def get_setting(setting):
        from . import settings  # Python 3
    except ImportError:
        import settings  # Python 2
    return getattr(settings, setting)

Then remove the following from INSTALLED_APPS:

  • django.contrib.gis

  • tendenci.apps.committees

  • tendenci.apps.case_studies

  • tendenci.apps.donations

  • tendenci.apps.speakers

  • tendenci.apps.staff

  • tendenci.apps.studygroups

  • tendenci.apps.videos

  • tendenci.apps.testimonials

  • tendenci.apps.social_services

  • tendenci.apps.explorer_extensions

  • explorer

The above apps are now included in INSTALLED_APPS by default. If you wish to remove them from the default INSTALLED_APPS, you can add INSTALLED_APPS.remove('tendenci.apps.name') lines as shown in the “Custom Application Settings” section of the latest settings.py file.

Replace django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache with django.core.cache.backends.memcached.PyLibMCCache

If present, replace tendenci.apps.theme.template_loaders.Loader with tendenci.apps.theme.template_loaders.ThemeLoader

Tendenci now enables logging by default. Review the “Logging Settings” section of the latest settings.py file to determine whether you need to make any site specific changes to the default logging configuration.

Edit /var/www/mysite/conf/settings.py

Change from local_settings import * to from .local_settings import *

Delete INSTALLED_APPS += ('gunicorn',)


In HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS, change 'PATH': os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'index.whoosh'), to 'PATH': os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'whoosh_index', 'main'),

Delete the if DEBUG_TOOLBAR_INSTALLED: block near the bottom of the file.

Replace the old urls.py file:

cd /var/www/mysite/conf/
rm urls.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tendenci/tendenci-project-template/master/conf/urls.py

Copy any site specific URL patterns from local_urls.py to urls.py, ignoring the following:

  • explorer.urls

  • tendenci.apps.explorer_extensions.urls

  • tendenci.apps.committees.urls

  • tendenci.apps.case_studies.urls

  • tendenci.apps.donations.urls

  • tendenci.apps.speakers.urls

  • tendenci.apps.staff.urls

  • tendenci.apps.studygroups.urls

  • tendenci.apps.videos.urls

  • tendenci.apps.testimonials.urls

  • tendenci.apps.social_services.urls

The above URL patterns are now included by default. If you wish to remove the URL patterns for the above apps from the default configuration, instructions can be found in the new urls.py file.

Note that URL patterns in the new file must be wrapped with a url() function call.

When finished, you can delete your old local_urls.py file.

Step 5: Configure logging

If you are using the new default logging configuration, you should set up /var/log/mysite and configure logrotate appropriately.

Set up /var/log/mysite:

sudo mkdir /var/log/mysite
sudo chown www-data:"$(id -u -n)" /var/log/mysite/
chmod -R g+rwX /var/log/mysite/

The group configured above will enable your user account to run python manage.py ... without sudo, which is safer than performing management/upgrades using sudo. The configured group should include your normal user account but not other inappropriate users. Ubuntu creates a dedicated group for each user by default, so that is what is used here.

Create /etc/logrotate.d/mysite containing:

/var/log/mysite/*.log {
  minsize 100k
  rotate 14
  create 0660 www-data www-data
    service tendenci restart

To ensure that the log files remain readable/writable by your normal user account, change the second www-data in create 0660 www-data www-data to a group that includes your normal user account but not other inappropriate users (Ubuntu creates a dedicated group for each user by default with the same name as the associated user, so you can use that here).

Step 6: Upgrade Database and Static Files

Configure some settings for the database account used by Tendenci:

sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER ROLE $DB_USER SET client_encoding TO 'UTF8';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER ROLE $DB_USER SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';"

Work around some migration issues in djkombu:

sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP TABLE djkombu_message;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP TABLE djkombu_queue;"


cd /var/www/mysite/
source /srv/mysite/bin/activate
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py deploy
python manage.py clear_cache

Tendenci 11 makes significant changes to the layout of /var/www/mysite/static/ and may leave lots of abandoned files in that directory after the upgrade. You can optionally clean these up using python manage.py collectstatic --clear --link --no-input, however note that this will delete ALL of the files in that directory and then re-populate them from the installed Django apps. If you have manually added or modified any files in that directory (this is unsupported and discouraged, although there is nothing technically preventing you from doing it), then your files/changes will be lost. Make sure you have a backup copy of that directory before attempting to clean it up. If you followed Step 3, there should be a copy in /var/www/mysite.t7/static/

Step 7: Update/Fix Permissions

Ensure that filesystem permissions are set appropriately:

chmod -R o+rX-w /srv/mysite/
sudo chgrp -Rh www-data /var/www/mysite/
chmod -R -x+X,g-w,o-rwx /var/www/mysite/
chmod -R ug-x+rwX,o-rwx /var/www/mysite/media/ /var/www/mysite/whoosh_index/ /var/www/mysite/themes/
sudo chown -Rh www-data:"$(id -u -n)" /var/log/mysite/
sudo chmod -R -x+X,g+rw,o-rwx /var/log/mysite/

For an explanation of these permissions, see the “Permissions” section in the latest version of the Installation instructions.

Step 8: Rebuild Search Indexes


sudo -u www-data -H -s
cd /var/www/mysite/
source /srv/mysite/venv/bin/activate  # For Python 2
source /srv/mysite/bin/activate  # For Python 3
python manage.py rebuild_index

Step 9: Restart Tendenci


sudo service mysite restart