SSO === Tendenci has an oAuth2 client built in that you can use to set up single sign-on (SSO) for your tendenci site. To enable the oAuth2 client, follow these 3 steps: 1. Add ``oauth2_client`` to the INSTALLED_APPS in your ``conf/``: :: INSTALLED_APPS += ['tendenci.apps.oauth2_client',] 2. Add oauth2 urls to the urlpatterns list in your ``conf/`` (you can change the url path): :: urlpatterns = pre_urlpatterns + [ #url(r'^', include('example_app.urls')), url(r'^oauth2/', include('tendenci.apps.oauth2_client.urls')), ] + post_urlpatterns 3. Set up these settings in your ``conf/`` (adjust yours accordingly): :: AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ['tendenci.apps.oauth2_client.backends.AuthenticationBackend'] + AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS OAUTH2_REMOTE_APP_NAME = 'example' OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = 'Example Client ID' OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET = 'Example Client Secret' OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = '' OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_PARAMS = None OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_URL = '' OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_PARAMS = None OAUTH2_API_BASE_URL = '' OAUTH2_USERINFO_ENDPOINT = '' OAUTH2_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = '' OAUTH2_CLIENT_KWARGS = { 'scope': 'openid profile', 'token_endpoint_auth_method': 'client_secret_basic', 'token_placement': 'header', } OAUTH2_USER_ATTR_MAPPING={ 'username': 'email', 'email': 'email', 'first_name': 'given_name', 'last_name': 'family_name' } For the ``OAUTH2_USER_ATTR_MAPPING`` setting, you can add more fields like ``phone``, ``address``, ``city``, ``state``, ``zipcode``, ``country``...