Newsletters Scheduling ====================== Newsletters can be set to send immediately or schedule a later date/time to send. By default, scheduling is not enabled due to additional setup needed. To enable newsletters scheduling, follow these steps: 1. Add the setting `NEWSLETTER_SCHEDULE_ENABLED = True` to your conf/ 2. Make sure a process is started for the management command `qcluster`. On Ubuntu, you can create a qcluster service like this: :: [Unit] Description=Django-Q qcluster [Service] WorkingDirectory=/var/www/mysite ExecStart=/srv/mysite/bin/python \ /var/www/mysite/ \ qcluster [Install] Once the newsletters scheduling is enabled, you can make a schedule in the step 5 when adding a newsletter. Just check the "Schedule to Send?" checkbox, you can then specify when to send and how often to send (if needed).